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FETEAG - Festival de Teatro do Agreste

  • Category Festivals
  • Since 1981
  • Interaction with countries 8
  • Members 15


FETEAG was created in 1981 specifically aiming to promote theatrical inclusion to young students from the educational network of Caruaru, estimulating the practice and the study of theater in schools, as a complementary action of the initiation and sensitization policy developed by the TEA - Teatro Experimental de Arte (Art's Experimental Theater). During FETEAG 39 years of activities over 1.100 shows have been through its stages, reaching an audience of over 200.000 people. Today the FETEAG presents an expanded schedule held by two cores, one pupillary and one professional, that dialogue among them in transversal form, promoting an exchange in knowledge, as performance shows and formative activities.

About its work:

  • Le Cargo - Faustin Linyekula (RDC);
  • Black Off - Ntando Celle (Africa do Sul/Suíça);
  • Home Visit - Rimini Protokoll (Alemanha/Suíça);
  • Amêsa - Heloisa Jorge (Angola);
  • Contos e Lendas de Burkina Faso - François Moise Bamba (Burkina Faso);
  • Pupik e In-Between - Karavan Ensemble (Inglaterra);
  • LAND e A Morte do Público - Bruno Humberto (Portugal).
{"url":"https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/feteag","image":"facebook.svg","name":"Facebook"} {"url":"https:\/\/instagram.com\/feteag","image":"instagram.svg","name":"Instagram"} {"url":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/channel\/UCbRLE8x1imGrfHqgpkJmWrA","image":"youtube.svg","name":"Youtube"}


  • feteag.pe@gmail.com
  • +55 81 99964-2555
  • www.feteag.com.br

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